2 New Ways To Make Your Summer Cooler
new product responsibly sourced store announcement
We now have two killer shirts available just in time for your summer style! Guaranteed to make your summer cooler simply by putting them on! A little known fact about me is that before starting Love Everywhere I was a fashion designer. I worked in NYC designing knit tops, and at some of your favorite mall brands designing denim. I have even designed handbags and home storage solutions. All that to say, I have seen firsthand how some factories overseas do not treat people and the environment kindly, or pay a fair wage to its workers. When thinking about designing...
5000 Love Everywhere Cards milestones store announcement thank you videos
HOLY SMOKES!! Something utterly amazing has happened. In just two very short years, y'all have made it possible to distribute over 5,000 cards of kindness, encouragement and love out into the world to brighten someone's day. I say this with every big event that happens here, but I am just totally blown away that you all have gotten behind this tiny little idea of mine the way you have. THANK YOU to each and every beautiful soul that helped to make this massive milestone happen! What better way to celebrate the 5,000th Love Everywhere card than by launching this amazing new...