Featured Intern: Megan
My name is Megan Zeddies and I am the new intern for Love Everywhere and am excited to get started! I am a junior Marketing major at Belmont University in Nashville, TN and I think what I love most about this town is that you can always find something to do. From hanging in hammocks in parks, to finding new restaurants and hearing great music everywhere, it’s no wonder that everyone wants to come here! I also really love hiking, either in mountains or around lakes. Lucky for me, near Nashville are numerous lakes as well as nice hikes in...
Make Sharing Kindness Easy: Free Flyer Download
Encouragement Free Download kindness is key Take What You Need Flyer
Yesterday I posted this image on our Instagram page and asked if you guys would be interested in a free download of this flyer design to hang around your neighborhoods and the response was overwhelmingly positive! Thank you so much to everyone who sent me so many wonderful messages and left encouraging comments saying you'd be interested in sharing this! I am so pleased to announce that the "Take What You Need" flyer is now available as a free download for anyone who wants it. Please feel free to print off as many as you'd like and share with all your...
7 Practical Ways to Battle Seasonal Depression
Summer is wrapping up—and maybe it’s just me—but Autumn’s impending arrival every year seems to bring with it a heaviness. Don't get me wrong, there’s so much I enjoy about this season: I have the same pumpkin spice obsession and love of the crisp air the rest of America…but there’s just something about this certain time of year has always been sort of a downer. Its as if the feelings of past sadnesses return each season with the hint of a cool breeze and the sound of crunchy leaves underfoot. There is probably some scientific psychology explanation of how certain...
Featured Love Everywhere Ambassador: Amy
ambassador feature Ambassadors
Every week we love to share more about one of our amazing Ambassador team members, and this week we are bringing you the beautiful Amy Goodgion of Dayton, Ohio. She's oozing with creativity and thoughtfulness, and is just a gem of a human. Read more about her love of popcorn and her favorite book recommendation. Do you have any hobbies? YES! I like hobbies, almost as much as ice cream (is the love and consumption of ice cream a hobby? -if so add that to the list)! I grew up dancing so I have loved to dance as long as...
Featured Love Everywhere Ambassador: Jessie
ambassador feature soul made goods
Our group of Love Everywhere ambassadors is so fantastic that we decided to profile each of them (one every Friday!) to showcase just a fraction of their awesomeness with you here on our little corner of the world wide web! This week I am so honored to bring you our featured ambassador, the one and only, Jessie McElwee of Soul Made Goods! Just reading her answers to the questions below makes me wish I lived near her so I could stalk her in a super-noncreepy way until she became my friend and I could have a front row seat to that...